Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sheila's Wheels

My trip to London was to visit K-10, and if we saw some museums or monuments at some point, that was great, but not necessary. We talk every day, but we hadn't "hung out" in over a year. Sure, I wanted to buy shoes and try great restaurants and get pissed at the pub, but watching TV together while devouring chips and salsa is what we really needed.

Ah, friendship...

American sitcoms are prevalent there - Friends was (and still is) wildly popular, and they show Scrubs, Ugly Betty, and even great, though cancelled, programs like Miss Match.

Nothing could have prepared me for the commercials, though. I mean, I know that we have some annoying ones (that Pepto Bismol one? LORD), but this one takes the cake. I had it in my head for the entire trip, and I'm still finding myself singing it aloud.

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