Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Having a bonzer time in London, my lovelies.

First off, Virgin Atlantic is amazing. The flight was perfect from take-off to landing, the food was more than edible, and the guy sitting next to me slept almost the entire time.

And they didn't lose my suitcase.

A+, Virgin Atlantic. A-freaking-PLUS.

Also, the flight attendants were the most attractive men and women that I have ever seen. The ladies were styling in their red skirt suits and the gentlemen wore their purple-lined, three-piece suits with ease. And they were SO NICE. My last flight here on Continental was the complete opposite with bitchy flight attendants and a seatmate who PAINTED HER NAILS. On an AIRPLANE.

Some people...

K-10 met me at Heathrow (in a tee shirt and heels. Of course) and we hopped on the Tube for our lovely ride into London. Now, I am not on top of the current fashion trends or anything, but the outfits here? Sweet Jesus. I wanted to take pictures so, so badly, but I thought that would limit my karmic output. So I didn't. But ladies: white patterned tights with black daisy dukes? Frankie says NO.

Tomorrow? Shopping and this.

Man, it's a good thing that she loves me. Very few would put up with my nerdiness.