Friday, May 25, 2007

The Roadhouse

The Roadhouse was super fun!

First off, though: A public service announcement.

I don't like it when my voice sounds like this,
and it's really not all that becoming to make fun of others, but...
Ladies. Listen.

Formal shorts? NOT OKAY.
Big, fat, ugly belts that serve absolutely no purpose as belts? NO.

The stools reject your formal shorts.

Formal shorts and cowboy boots? ABSOLUTELY NOT:

My eyes.

And gentlemen. How can I put this politely?
Skinny jeans, white shoes, and a white belt all looked ridiculous in the 80s, and they look ridiculous now.

Please, D.A.R.E. to say no.
Anyway, here's where the actual fun begins.
(And where I stop acting like a complete asshole
by taking pictures of total strangers and judging their poor style decisions).

Heather loves free cosmos!

K-10 loves to drop empty bottles in the rubbish bin just to hear the clatter.

Heather loves cute golf pros.

Yay! I miss acting ridiculous with my bestie.

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