Friday, May 04, 2007

Running My Mouth

What the hell is wrong with me?

Yesterday, I stopped in at Wachovia after lunch to discuss annoying charges to my savings account. APPARENTLY, I signed up for an account that was only free for the first 18 months. After said time period, I would be charged for not maintaining a minimum balance. I only discovered this after receiving a courtesy call (I bet they feel stupid for starting that little service), and I asked about the charges.

Now, I am no Rockefeller. I move money around quite often, especially with the influx of doctor's bills lately (grumble, grrrr... stupid insurance only paying for my glasses and not my contacts. Bite me, Blue Cross), and there is no way that I could ever keep up a minimum balance.

But here's the thing. The financial specialist? SO cute. The level of my inappropriate flirting? SO high.

I met my friend John for lunch, and he waited outside the office while I bitched about fees and whatnot. Financial Guy suggested that I close the savings account (which I did) and open a second checking account - which carries no fees. I'm going to hold off on that.

But most of the conversation involved his new place in Chinatown and my bitching about my job. I went on and on about how I need a new job and how I can't save a penny while living in this town. Seriously. Verbal diarrhea at its best. To top it all off, I dissed John just so it wouldn't be assumed that we were "together."

FG - "You can tell him (gesturing to the waiting area) that we're almost done here."

Me - "No it's okay. There's only so much I can take, anyway," and then proceeded to tell this COMPLETE STRANGER that John and I have lunch just to bitch about our jobs and I had had enough for the day.

I am such an asshole.

I also totally took his card when I left. SLUT.

I got back to my office and realized that maybe he didn't close out my account information right away and maybe he proceeded to take a little gander at my spending. Hell, I would have done the same thing. I hope he was impressed with my spending at CVS, Trader Joe's, and Target.

Holy Jesus. And the visit fee from the doctor the other day. OH GOD. How embarrassing.

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