Monday, April 30, 2007

Welcome to My Morning

I'm trying a new look today. It's called, "I woke up an hour late and didn't shower."

Anyone want to meet for lunch?

Okay, I'm not overly gross. I swear. I brushed my teeth and put on clean underwear. My hair isn't greasy and I don't stink (I don't think), so just COOL OUT. I was out the door in fifteen minutes - slightly annoyed with myself - but happy that I was going to be on time. On a Monday.

THEN. As I left the house, I almost tripped over a tiny baby sparrow just chilling in front of my doorstep. I moved him out of harm's way with a twig and then promptly called the Lady in tears worried that he was abandoned and had fallen from the nest and was going to die. She reassured me that the mother would fly down and feed him. "But MOM, he was so TINY!" She told me to calm down and go to work. Even though she really doesn't have time for my crap on a Monday morning, she still listens. She probably would have fed me if I had fallen from the nest, too.

Got to work and realized that my keys were on my desk chair. At home. AWESOME.

But seriously, I hate it when I don't have time to shower. Even in college, when people were running to class in pajama pants and wearing winter hats in March (to conceal the dreaded grease-head), I was showering even after studying until 4 a.m.

I know, I know. NERD.

In my four years of undergrad, I think that I skipped the shower once. Just once. It was pretty much the worst day for it, too, as I worked in the museum from 9-1, and then had class from 1-2, 2-3, and 4-5:30. Yummy!

(I wore my hat all day. Though it was January, so it's acceptable. Right?)

Also? I never once pulled an all-nighter. I just figured that there was a point where my brain would stop retaining all the crap I was trying to throw at it, so when I got tired, I went to sleep. I never failed an exam, so I guess it worked. I do think that I might have missed out on a basic college experience, but I am a cranky bitch without sleep, so it was probably for the best.

Really though, if anyone wants to have lunch, you don't have to worry... I shaved my legs yesterday.

So it's cool.

Tiny, but apparently not helpless.


John said...

All nighters in college are overrated anyways. I figured if you had to pull an all nighter you had procrastinated too long anyways. (I never pulled one to do work at least.) I did to play poker once. (Ah... priorities.)

Em said...

I would have had lunch with your smelly ass.... I too woke up late and had to skip the shower. We can be eewey together... eewey... I just made that up.

Anonymous said...

I've never understood how people can go through the day sans showering. If I did that, it would be so offensive to every person I came in contact with. E! You were dirty all day! :o) hehe

Deals On Wheels said...

See?! April is evil! Stupid April.

In other news, we've been out of grad school for three years already. THREE YEARS! Before you know it, we're going to be 85 with our teeth in jars next to the bathroom sink. Boo.

Heather said...

John - thanks, that makes me feel better. I definitely procrastinated (I was amazing at it), but it only bit me in the ass a few times...

EmFace - Love.

Megan - Next time I skip the shower, I am coming to visit you.

Deals - Shut UP. We are YOUNG, and FABULOUS and will NEVER DIE. Effing GWU sure sucked the life out of us early, though, didn't it? Miss you!