Monday, April 16, 2007

Deck the Halls With Boughs of Horry

It's... smiling at me!

Dragon Roll!

Okay, so it's not a duck, and his head stayed put. At first. But that quote came to mind as soon as they brought him to the table.

He was delicious.


Shane said...
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Shane said...

Where did you go for that? Oya? Mmmm - we need a happy hour there for their cheap and delicate sushi.

And by the way, it is "Fa la la la la" not "Fah ra ra ra ra"

Heather said...

Damn imdb, not getting the quote right...

It was at a place in Clarendon, actually (and I can't remember the name).

Oya though - anytime. You give me like, 30 minutes notice, and I'll be there. That place is magic!