Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Crash! Smash! Ugggggghhhh....

A massive crash of thunder jarred me awake at 6:07 this morning. Why do I remember the time? Because it was exactly three minutes before my alarm was set to erupt into a beeping cacophony and make me cry for peace. But being awoken before my alarm makes everything worse, even if it was just a lousy three minutes.

Those three minutes could have been the buffer between a headache-free morning and one with a vise-like grip. Damn you, DC weather! And damn you, evil headache!

After throwing my phone (phones have alarms! Isn't that brilliant? I think that it's because they know that people will break them faster and the company will profit. Crafty, crafty bastard bitch cell phone companies!) across the room, I extricated myself from my warm, loving bed, and immediately plodded to my computer to check the weather closings.

And that, my friends, is how you know that I'm on my way to becoming a local: I know that any sort of extreme weather can cause major problems. And by "extreme," I mean anything other than mediocre, boring weather. This includes excessive sunshine. Really. Hell, last summer a big rainstorm hit and I didn't have to go to work for two days.

Alas, no closings.

But you just never know with this city...

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