Tuesday, April 17, 2007



My name is DC Donut, and I am an Evite Addict.

I can stop anytime, though. Really. Because it's not all the time. I swear. Throughout the year, there are certain event "dry spells," and these are the times that my addiction clears up on its own - without therapy, without medication, without withdrawal.

But in the spring, in the summer, and around the holidays, those evites start popping up and it's impossible to tear myself away! Who's invited? Who isn't...? Who's bringing a date? There are so many questions and so many possible situations!

Evite-stalking is quickly becoming a widespread problem in America. Well, I totally made that up, but if there are others like me - and there must be - then there is a large number of workers dragging down the country's productivity with the constant repetition of page refreshes.

Or so I would think.

It's when you set up your own evite, however, that things really start to get out of hand. Not only can you see who invited those pesky extra people, you can view those repeat offenders: those who've viewed the evite and have yet to respond. This is simply infuriating! Why wouldn't they want to come to MY party? They should want to! I'm fun, I'm hip!

It definitely beats the old paper and pen, at least when it comes to informal events.

So stalk your fellow invitees today! The first time is free. You can totally stop whenever you want.

God, I'm a pusher.


Anonymous said...

my name is amanda, and i, too, am an evite addict.

Unknown said...

Me too. I wish I could be a professional evite writer, because I always kill it on those things.

Heather said...

Oh, you totally should, Steeze. Advertise on craigslist or something - you probably won't get solicited for anything else...

Lara Ziobro said...

{raises hand} I too must confess to being an addict...

I am not, however, obsessive compulsive on it like some I know. They will downsize who they invite as to make sure there are minimal no's. I don't go that far.

But I love that you can see who's in and who's out. And I love writing me a good poem to promote an event. Perhaps a little too much.

Heather said...

LJ, that is awesome -- purposely not inviting people because they might not come... Brilliant. And so vain!