Tuesday, April 24, 2007


But SO happy.

What a difference this change has made in my life. Watching my furniture leave the old place and find a new home was liberating. In those moments, I felt as if the negativity of the old house just melted away. It was such a crapshack - dirty, peeling, unsafe, cold, and dark. The new place is clean, inviting, warm, cozy, and comfortable. And in this case, like I was explaining to Awesome Old Roommate Jenny, "cozy" doesn't mean "tiny." Cozy means... well, all of that crap I just said.

Also? Bruises are sexy, right? Because I have about seventeen good ones from lifting and carrying and heaving and ho-ing (ha). And from bumping into things, of course. I'm really good at bumping into things. Like just now, when I was curling myself into my chair at work, I slammed my knee into the desk. I am brilliant! It's so pretty, I should take a picture.

Right. Pictures. I refuse to take any until my paintings are hung and the boxes are gone (that's right, Lady! You're just going to have to WAIT). Plus, I can't download any pictures until my computer gets all internetty, and that won't be until tonight.

I had help driving the Uhaul. Probably for the best, since I look like a thirteen-year-old joyrider when driving my mother's minivan. I didn't get us lost while driving from SW to the Hill, I didn't find myself humorously carrying too-heavy items, and I didn't trip or fall down. And I didn't drop anything out of a window, unlike a few years ago.*

So a huge, massive THANK YOU to everyone who helped us move - it went so quickly and so smoothly, that we were finished 30 minutes before the pizza was to be delivered (and thanks to Pizza Hut, for arriving five minutes early!). You guys are rock stars.

So it looks like a flawless move translates to = no funny stories. Sorry. The Comcast story is soon to follow, however. GD Comcast.

*When moving from my first apartment in Arlington, a one bedroom, to a two bedroom in the same complex, I was on my own. My soon-to-be roommate, a classmate I met at GWU, was home in Reno for the summer, and I took it upon myself to move most everything myself. Shane and Josh helped me move the heaviest furniture, and I was all set... until the first sweltering night in the new place when I realized that I really, really needed my window air conditioner. (Perhaps you see where this is going).

I figured, "I can do it myself! I don't need help!" I had it unscrewed and de-caulked, and held on tight as I tried to push the window away from the unit. The window stuck. I temporarily forgot about the VERY HEAVY THING and used both hands to wrench the window up. The air conditioner lurched out of the window, but was saved by its cord. I got what I thought was a good grip on the unit, unplugged the cord, and then watched it fall - in slow motion, it seemed - all the way to the ground.

It. Was. Amazing.

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