Saturday, April 28, 2007

Time Off

Sweet Lord, it's been a really long week. Wow. My stubborn home computer resisted all attempts to join the information superhighway, and is more content just housing my pictures and being otherwise completely useless. Bitch.

However, a little break from blogging (and the internets) has been - dare I say it - nice. I've been much too exhausted to be creative, and having way too much on my plate has zapped my brain of all power. Well, that and the alcohol (see below).

In the days following last Saturday's move, I unpacked and organized, hung paintings and organized, cleaned and... well, organized. And even with all of the preparation, everything came together only ten minutes before our housewarming party on Friday night. Of course, I may not have been so rushed if it hadn't been for a little visit to Ella's on Wednesday night.

(Ella's is amazing, what with their specials and bartenders, and most of my drunken stories originate from one of their barstools. For example, after returning home from Ella's that night, I stumbled around for a while before deciding to get ready for bed. I attempted to wash my face and laid down on the bathroom floor instead. After deciding that the tiles were too cold, I laid down in the hallway instead and woke up there three hours later. I was hungover for the whole of Thursday. Awesome.)

And after helping Merrick and Gerald paint their newlywed apartment today, I am in need of some serious rest. So while I'd love to stay and chat... check ya later!

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