Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Need. Sleep.

I don't remember the last time I slept through the night, and I have no idea why I can't get a decent night's sleep anymore. I've made some changes in my life in the past few months, but the only change that I can pinpoint as being even remotely related to this is giving up pop. I still get a small amount of caffeine from green tea, but it's not much. Not nearly as much as I was pouring into my body.

Let me just paint you a little picture. Here's my night, give or take an hour here and a half hour there:

9:30/10:00 - Wash face, brush teeth, extract eyes. I mean contacts. I'm not this guy.

10:30 - In bed. I work on the crossword puzzle that I've been saving for that exact moment. Sometimes I watch a little Arrested Development on my mini DVD player.

10:45/11:00 - Crossword done, lights turned out. I usually fall asleep pretty quickly. Night!

1:00 - mmmMNNEMPH! What the fuck does the clock say? Son of a bitch!

1:02 - Asleep.

3:15 - Wha...? FUCK YOU, THREE O'CLOCK.

3:16 - Asleep.

5:10 - Oh, you've GOT to be kidding me. Hellfuck!

6:20 - Alarm. Snooze.

6:25 - Alarm. Snooze.

6:30 - Alarm. Snooze.

6:35 - Alarm. Snooze.


Yeah. It's great.

So... solutions? Names of therapists?

I know that I should probably stop watching the DVDs, but is doing the crossword puzzle a bad idea? I never had a problem before, but maybe I'm not allowing my brain ample time to slow down.

I don't know. I'm grasping at straws here.

Was cutting out caffeine a bad idea? I'm pretty impressed that I can now look at a can of Coke and say, "Meh. I'd rather have some water," because even though I LOVE IT, I know how bad it was for me. So my cutting pop from my diet is doing a good thing for my body. It is, is it not?

The answer probably has nothing to do with these things and it's actually because I've got too much on my mind or something. Right. I've been out of school for three years now and my job is numbingly dull. I don't think that I even use my brain anymore.

A useless, stupid brain that wakes me up and makes me scream obscenities at my clock.



Shane said...

Try stretching (legs, arms, back) before hitting the sac. A good routine for me.

Heather said...

Very, very good idea. Thanks!