Sunday, March 25, 2007

Home Alone

I'd been feeling a little under the weather for the past few days, so I told the boss that I'd be in a little late on Friday. The extra few hours of sleep made ALL the difference, really. I love having the house to myself when I get ready - I turn up the stereo to eleven, I can actually use the bathroom mirrors to apply my makeup, and I can take extra long showers with no hot water remorse.

But what's the best thing about being home alone?

All the nakedness.

(I mean, I suppose that I could walk around naked when Jen's here, but between the topless pillow fights and constant experimentation, I think that we would quickly become desensitized to the nudity. Right?)


If I want to shower with the door open so I can hear my music, it's no problem!
The door is a sound barrier.

If I wish to un-wrinkle a shirt in the dryer, there's no need to cover up!

The dryer can not sense your nakedness.

If I want a glass of water from the kitchen, there's no need for a robe!

So completely unnecessary.


It is what God intended, after all. Then the fig leaves entered the picture, the fashion industry was born, and now people are wearing leggings. Leggings! Thanks, Adam and Eve. THANKS.


Anonymous said...

and if i want to sit naked ON TOP of the dryer for some vibratey goodness...! oh do that, right?

Heather said...

I would if my dryer made half the fuss that yours did ;)