Wednesday, October 17, 2007



No, not Sprockets. But that would be awesome. Sprickets. Or spider-crickets. Thanks for the update/scare, WaPo. Jerks.

Right, and now I am piss scared that an army of those mutants will find their way into my BASEMENT APARTMENT. And so I am currently on amazon searching for an affordable dehumidifier.

DCist linked to the WaPo story and the comments are simply amazing. One commenter identified the things as "sprickets," which made me guffaw, and then another posted this:

"Until this drought ends, I'm going to keep a cyanide pill in the back of my mouth so if I ever walk into my house, and find fucking spider-crickets, I can bite down and just be done with it."

What would you do, though, if you had an army of Dieters jumping around in your basement? Touch my monkey!


JLR said...

oh, ew! Now I'm freaked out, and I don't even live there.

Heather said...

jlr - A massive HUGE ASS FLY was in my apartment this morning and I've decided that mutant insects are going to rule us all. "I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords."

JLR said...

*excellent* quote usage.

Heather said...


Deals On Wheels said...

Um, yeah. Freaky.


Can you be one for Halloween?!

Anonymous said...

I actually had one in my first floor apt. It was about 1.5" in diameter (legs included) and jumped when I raided it which I wasn't expected as I had no idea what it was. They definitely jump in random directions (i.e. NOT away from humans) and are freaking ugly! That said, the raid did work.

Heather said...

Deals - I'm not planning on going out for Halloween, but being a spricket would be a great costume. Well, I'm a girl, so it would have to be a sexy spricket, right?

anon - I had a feeling that those little psychos would be jumpy freaks! Of COURSE they jump AT you. OF COURSE. Sorry you had to deal with them, though. If Raid didn't work... well, that frightens me.

Anonymous said...

oh jesus christ! i jumped in my chair. if i actually saw one i'd probably immediately die of a stroke.

Heather said...

lem - Exactly. Maybe you need to go the cyanide tablet route.