Monday, August 25, 2008

A Series to... Sink Your Teeth Into? (That Was Bad)

I hopped on the Harry Potter bandwagon quite late. I remember waiting in line at the bookstore when the clerk asked if I'd like to reserve my copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I was all, "Chamber of what now? No, thanks."

By the time Azkaban was published, The Lady had been trying to get me to read them. She was always met with, "Children's books? No way, I'm busy and important and reading books about Hitler and Churchill. Take those stupid books and give them to your fifth grade students."

And, I just realized that I've told this story before. If you care, read it here.


The Lady hath struck again.

I was hanging out with my dad the other day, watching Jeopardy (how frustrating is it to watch Jeopardy with your dad? I know the answers, but he always gets them first! It's not like when I was little and he let me win at Candyland.), when he took a call from a client. As I waited, I saw a book on the end table and picked it up and started reading.

Twenty minutes later and several chapters in, I was hooked on Twilight.

Damn you, Lady! Like I don't already have enough to read!


Carrie M said...

Twilight is a DISEASE! A sickeningly sweet, awful but fantastic, eye rolling, page turning disease.

You will love it.

Oh, but there's drama when you catch up - which will take you exactly one week to do so.

Heather said...

carrie - OMG. I finished the first book at 2 a.m. on Tuesday. On my way to work the next day, I stopped and bought the second. I finished it last night at 2 and bought the third this morning. I have a problem!

I don't want to know about any drama! The second book had too much emotion and I felt like my heart was hurting.