Monday, June 04, 2007


I've been doing this bloggy thing for over two years now, but I'm still a little foggy on the etiquette involved. And yes, I know that there is etiquette.

For example, I know that responding to one's own comments is considered polite and borderline necessary, so I respond. I like that it builds up the comments and I love that it encourages dialogue amongst my readers (did I just say, "my readers?" Oh jeez...)

Also, I know that you're technically supposed to ask someone before linking to their blog, so I generally do that. But honestly, I don't think that it's a must. If you like a blog and appreciate its content, link away! I am flattered when it happens to me, and will most likely link back to you, too. It seems to be a win-win situation, but if anyone ever requested that I remove their link, I would do so immediately.

You might find a blog you like and decide to link to it, but you can't get upset if he/she doesn't link back to you. It's nothing personal. If you make it personal, it starts to get weird. Don't let it get weird.

But then, things get a little confusing. What happens when someone removes you from his/her blogroll without notice? Do you take offense? Do you call him/her on it? Do you remove the link on your blog?

I know that it's probably not worth worrying over, and I really shouldn't take offense. If this is the worst thing that happens in my little online world, then I should consider myself lucky, right? I'm going to get over this slight, and continue to enjoy this little niche I've carved for myself.


Anonymous said... this coming up because someone removed you?

Heather said...

Yep, pretty much. I was pissed! But I'm better now. It's all good.

JLR said...

I know, it's hard to know, right? I have found myself upset at being removed before and then . . . relieved because that meant I didn't have to feel guilty about removing that person's link from my blog.

That's why I started doing a rotating list of links. That way (in theory), nobody gets upset when they are removed, because it's not personal, and they'll probably wind up rotating back in and being re-linked in the future.

I think it was the only way to go for me because I have a Premature Enthusiasm Linking Syndrome. I read a blog, like, twice, decide it's awesome, and link to it, and then later figure out that i just lucked out those two times and really it's not that great. Or they turn out to be really sexist or homophobic or racist, and I'm embarrassed and a little horrified (but am chicken enough to want to avoid the conversation where I have to say "i removed your link because you are a HORRIBLE PERSON" and start a nasty blog war of words).

So, long story short ("too late"), I don't think there's anyway to get out of offending people and being offended with the linking thing. So go ahead and feel pissed! I'm sure you didn't do anything to deserve it.

Heather said...

jlr - SO true. Thanks for the support :)