Monday, August 13, 2007


Thanks to August, the drippingest, sweatiest, holy-hottest month of the year here in sunny Washington, my perfume is not going the distance. In fact, after walking the first two blocks to work each morning, I notice that it has faded into obscurity (much like Ian Ziering's career. Seriously, where'd he go?).

I love my perfume. It's been my scent of choice for several years - my signature, if you will. Like my one dainty necklace and two rings, I wear it every day. I am simple and that's okay, dammit!

But I like the scent, and I like it to last longer than five seconds, so I've shelved it for a while - at least until I stop sweating like a bandit every time I go outside. As an experiment, I wore CK One this weekend. A little 'high school,' I know, but I love it. Thing is-- it was pretty strong. I don't want to smell like Macy's, I just want an idea that the scent was once there.

This morning, after a horrible night's sleep (the only excuse I have at this point), I spritzed on Clinique Simply, a small sample size from the brand's last bonus sale.


Within seconds, I realized my mistake. It smelled so much, well... simpler in the bottle. I tried to wipe it off before leaving for work, but it was too potent. Plus, I think it's in my hair. And now I am sitting here with a headache because apparently I am MY MOTHER.

The Lady has worn Chanel No. 5 for as long as I remember, and has only recently tried new scents. (Personally, I don't think that any smell as nice as Chanel, at least on her, but that's just my opinion.) She has a very refined sense of smell (nasal palate?), and pretty much hated each and every perfume/cologne that my brother or I would wear.

I never understood how she could get a headache from Steven's Drakkar (talk about high school!) or my Polo Sport (ugh. I can't believe that I liked it, either!), or from whatever gum we were chewing at the time. Really.

But now? I am the same. I can't stand it when my roommate burns incense (the headache is evil and immediate), I get sick to my stomach if I use the wrong clothing detergent, and the wrong perfume can ruin my day.

Of course, it could be worse. My poor friend Emily gets migraines from even the idea of certain foods. So I shall stop complaining.

I would like to discover a new scent, however. While I am extremely loyal to my perfumes, I wouldn't mind trying something new. After much caution, however. One can only have so many headaches before throwing bottles of perfume into the Potomac.


andimarg said...

Ok, here's the thing.. I haven't worn Channel in probably 10 years. Now I know it may bring back chilhood memories (the Channel thing), but you know that the lady has to get up with the times SOME time-so I now wear, and have for quite some time "Happy"-I am SO "with-it!" LOLOLOLOL I crack me up! P.S Your necklace is is quite special. P.P.S.S. I really really really hate strawberry gum (X40) and the scent of the northern woods in Michigan is the best in the entire world (yeah I know I'm a nature geek , but I can't help it!!!)

Heather said...

I know you haven't worn Chanel in years... but I remember it!

Carrie M said...

I hardly ever wore perfume until two years ago until I discovered Stella McCartney. I adore scents that are mostly rose, so I went to Rose Absolute. Then in the summer, to Sheer. Then to her newest scent, Stella Two in Peony. She uses rose and amber in all of them, and of course peony in the latter. They're wonderfully girly but not to much that it makes you want to hurl. I'm hooked on Stella.

JLR said...

I have the same problem with scents! I have to practically sprint through the entrance to department stores, and heaven help me if someone uses hand sanitizer or scented lotion in the car.

I wear Philosphy "falling in love" because it is the only perfume I have ever tried that didn't give me a headache and make me feel nauseated. I don't know if it would work for you, since which smells make one sick is a very personal thing, but it might be worth a shot.

Heather said...

carrie - I am going to have to go and hit up Sephora some evening. Plus it will give me an excuse to covet everything in the Lorac line.

jlr - I thought of Philosophy right off the bat. Good call!