Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Fired and Glazed

Sometimes, I amaze myself with my assholity.

Old Roommate Jenny had planned an evening event to celebrate my birthday and had been keeping it a secret. I had no idea what she had planned, but by yesterday afternoon I was getting curious:

H: What time this evening then? We're not painting mugs or something gay like that are we?

Yes we are biotch. How did you know?

I'm going to paint giant breasts on mine.

ORJ: Hot.

We're not really painting mugs are we? Because then I'd feel bad for calling it gay...

ORJ: Not mugs but we are going to that place. Is that dorky?

What place? I totally made that up!

ORJ: Shut up. That's weird. All Fired Up. No kidding, that's the name.

No way! I've never heard of it! I'm still painting boobs...

ORJ: I can't believe you made that up.

It took me a while to realize that she was serious and for her to realize that I had completely made up the whole thing. Honestly, I really hadn't heard of that place -- I had had a certain "Friends" episode in my head all day:

Lauren: Hey! So since we're getting off early, do you want to go and paint mugs?

Joey: What?

Lauren: You know! At that place I told you about last night?

Joey: Oh yeah, with the mug painting. Yeah. I was so listening to that.

So basically, I am an asshole. I had no clue that she was planning a creative evening, and yet? As soon as I hit "send" on that first text message, I knew that she had planned exactly that.

I didn't need a mug, however, so I painted a bowl. No breasts, I'm afraid -- there were children present ("Please, there are ladies present!"):

Shades of pink. I'm such a rebel.

Jenny, in a display of hidden artistic ability, painted nuts on a mug:

Nuts are just as good as breasts.

One super awesome thing about this place? You can bring in your own beverages. Including wine. Delicious wine. Or delicious sugar:

I was so into my craft, I forgot to drink my Coke.
Somehow, I don't think that would have been the case if it had been Chardonnay.

This last photo is just to illustrate Jenny's freehand technique:

She painted a cute little squirrel!

I know that she doesn't believe me (see: insensitive text messages), but I had always wanted to do this and I had a blast!

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