Thursday, August 18, 2005

Ah, The Quarter Century Mark

Yep, I'm 25 today. And I think that it warrants a very fitting quote from one of my favorite movies, Sixteen Candles:

"I thought that turning 16 would be so major that I'd wake up with an improved mental state that would show on my face. All it shows is that I don't have any sort of tan left."

Now, I'm not 16 anymore, I'd like to believe that my mental state has improved, and I do have a tan still. But it's funny.

More hilarity? When I was in MI last weekend and at the mall with the Lady, a salesgirl asked if we were back-to-school shopping. After staring at her for about ten seconds, I responded, "Nope, I'm 25." She looked embarrassed. Granted, we were in The Buckle, so it was an honest mistake. Then we went to
Olga's (so good) for lunch, and the hostess gave me the CHILDREN'S MENU. Ha ha hardy har har. Ha. Hehehe. Heh. Oh.

Another thing that's funny? I'm the front desk monkey here for a mere 11 more work days before moving on to bigger and better things, so I've decided to not let this get to me. My coworker wrote, "Happy Birthday, Heather!" on the check-in board this morning. That was very nice of her. The board is at my desk. Everyone moves their little magnet from "out" to "in" when they arrive, and they can obviously see what she wrote. It's right there. Has one person here wished me a Happy Birthday? NO. Except for Chuck. He did. We like Chuck. Chuck Chuck bo buck, bananafana fo... Wow.

Now, I'm not some attention whore (HAHAHA! Yes, I am - especially on my freaking birthday. But that's not the point).

I would now like to let you all in on a little secret: everyone I work with is stupid (except Chuck, of course). That's right, STUPID. Especially little Mr. Suck Up in his khakis and polos. (That reminds me of, "Especially Bart. But especially Lisa.") Every day with the same little uniform. Gah! I cannot stand him and his girly voice! But it will all be over soon. 11 days, just 11 days...

So I'm leaving at exactly 5 p.m. and meeting my girls at
Ella's for sangria and pizza. I'm sure that Mike the Awesome Bartender will hook us up. I should probably not get too smashed, as I have to drag my ass in here tomorrow. Though with the new job, I'm losing my earned sick leave and as I refuse to give the government ANYTHING that I've honestly earned, maybe I should just sleep in tomorrow... You know, just for a few hours.

I do wish I had a Jake Ryan though.


Anonymous said...

A salesgirl thought you were back to school shopping? Well, one time I was at AE around Christmas and the salesgirl said, "these sweaters make a great gift for a daughter or niece." A DAUGHTER OR NIECE??? How old do you think I am?! And just for the record, I was a whopping 23 years old at the time. She was about 15. I guess everyone looks old to a high schooler....

Anonymous said...

Also, you know with Mike bartending, you are not going to leave Ella's sober. C'mon, we've tried that in the past. I think you should just take tomorrow off.

Anonymous said...

Maybe no one likes you at your current job - perhaps that is why they choose not to wish you a happy birthday - just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you're just a MEANIE. Just a thought.

Heather said...

Yay for JPS, internet troll!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Heather! Maybe you can show me where to get some good beer in DC in September.

Heather said...

Oh, for sure, Megan! Any friend of EmFace's... We'll go to the Brickskellar. Oooh, fun! What weekend are you going to be in DC?

Anonymous said...

Happy happy happy happy birthday..... I would write you a nifty poem but..... it would never compare to the one you wrote for me when we were like 10..... I love you peanut!!!

RR said...

Happy (belated) Birthday, Heather!

If it makes you feel any better, I bought a dress in April for a black tie event I was going to, and a woman asked me if I was buying a dress for prom. And I'm 29.

When I was a senior in college, my roomate flew to visit her boyfriend. She had a seat in the emergency exit row, and the flight attendant on the plane told her, "I'm sorry, but you have to be at least 15 to sit there."

RR said...

Also, when I turned 25, one of my best friends sent me an e-mail listing a bunch of people who already accomplished way more than I had by the time they were 25. I'll spare you the list.