Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Thanks to Steezy for this one:


Steezer said...

Lucille: Get me a vodka rocks
Michael: Mom, it's ten.
Lucille: and a piece of toast


Heather said...

"She's trying to prove that she's closer to my children than I am, but the joke's on her because she doesn't realize how little I care for Gob."

Heather said...


Michael: I know that you're upset with me because I brought you here under false pretenses but I really was worried about you.

Lucille: Oh please. I've been drinking since before you were born. So if alcohol is the reason I'm here, I've got news for you, bub. It's the only reason you're here too.

JLR said...

I miss that show. :(

Heather said...

jlr - I know. I watch my DVDs ALL OF THE TIME, trying to relive the magic. And it works. And when it's over, I just watch them again.