Thursday, February 21, 2008

For Shame. Shame!

Okay. I did something yesterday. Something that I am... not proud of.

I... bought leggings.

Before you rush to my house and murder me, THEY ARE FOR BALLET. I am going to wear them for ballet class and for NOTHING ELSE.

I certainly won't be wearing them with Uggs and a puffy jacket, as do 97% of the students on campus. (Well, it's either leggings with Uggs or skinny jeans with Uggs. And no hats or gloves. Because apparently I am old.)

I felt like such a dink buying them, though. First of all, I bought them at Forever 21. Yes. Secondly, I grabbed them off of the rack like there weren't ten million pair hanging about. Third, I had to justify my purchase to my MOTHER, after a sideways glance from her never-judgmental eye gave me a fright. She NEVER comments on my clothes unless she genuinely likes them, and her eyebrow was definitely raised.

Finally, I had to carry that bright yellow bag around the mall and was convinced that everyone had x-ray vision and could see my heinous purchase.

Remember when it was 1988 and I wore leggings and a pink sweater for my third grade student pictures? Well, I do. At the very last second, I decided on a closed-lipped smile and therefore produced the bitchiest class picture ever taken. I have yet to live it down. I'm convinced that the leggings made me do it. They made me take the horrible photo. Devils!

I have ballet tonight. Perhaps they will be lucky charms and I will dance like a prima ballerina. Or perhaps I'll fall on my ass.

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