Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Alchemist, or How I Found the Nicest, Feel-Goodiest Book Ever Written


I'd say that I am speechless, but if you know me at all you know that this is a lie. And we shouldn't lie. Lying is bad.

The Alchemist. This book made me feel so, so good. It's about following your dreams and listening to your heart, and I feel as if I now have a glow about me.

I read another book by the author, Paulo Coelho, and it made me feel the same way. But The Alchemist made me feel even better. Even better, you say?


A young Spanish shepherd's recurring dream leads him to abandon all that he knows and all that is comfortable to see if he can realize that dream. He leaves Spain for Africa and his life changes in ways he could have never imagined. By following omens and signs, he is able to realize that life is meant to be cherished. It's a simple plot, but one that inspires.

Please read this book. Really. Take a break from complicated plots and heavy tomes and pick up The Alchemist instead. You'll finish it in a day and you'll be better for it.

You can borrow mine, if you'd like.


Anonymous said...

I love love love The Alchemist. So much so that I stole a copy from the library. :P

Heather said...

megan - You know how people go on and on about a book (or a movie or tv show, or whatever), and you think, "there is absolutely no way that this book is going to live up to the hype? Not so with this book! It SURPASSES the hype. It. Is. Amazing.