Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Tree Fish?


The people I work with? Are weird.

Okay, not really. They're just excellent model-makers and they happen to be quite skilled at fish. Fish is a specialty. So, there are fish... in many places. The one in the tree is my favorite, though. Especially as it's directly next to my desk.


JLR said...

Love the fish. It's so whimical!

But--You don't feel a bit creeped out that the fish is *watching* you all day?

Anonymous said...

Hey, if Jesus can ride dinosaurs then fish can swim in trees.

Heather said...

jlr - The fish is directly by my head. It's amazing. I kind of forget that it's there, though, so it doesn't really bother me. But every so often I turn and see it and I might jump a little.

lem - Exactly.

Sarah said...

"Fish in a tree? How can that be?" ~Hop on Pop

I have been reading the spawn too much Dr Suess lately.

Heather said...

Aw, but the spawn is so cute! She deserves Suess.