Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Afraid of Heights at the Exact Wrong Time

So I had an awesome job interview the other day, but that's not what I want to talk about. Let's talk about how I was wearing a gorgeous black wool crepe dress, adorable heels, and a beautiful bracelet. I carried my sweet new purse and a nice folio for notes. Everything was perfect.

Except that my underwear would NOT STAY UP.

I decided to walk from the medical campus to my interview on central campus. It's not a long walk, and I was planning on dropping in at my old museum before the interview to see my former boss. Thank God I did, because by the time I walked that half mile, my underwear had shimmied past my butt and were heading for my knees.

So I did what any logical, rational, twenty-nine year old woman would: I taped them to my hips.

It worked. It worked so well that I forgot that I had used tape at all until hours later when I was getting ready for bed. Clearly I don't drink enough water as I didn't have to use the restroom until a full EIGHT HOURS after the interview.

Either way, office supplies save lives. Remember the trouser stapling incident?

I'll keep you posted on the job. Fingers crossed!


Sunny said...

I'm just jealous that you actually went 8 hours without having to pee.

The good news is that you are definitely not pregnant.

(Sorry, that could be kinda weird coming from your boyfriend's sister. I didn't mean it in any inappropriate, overly personal way.)

(Or did I?)

Waayers said...

WHAT?! Were you wearing granny panties??

Heather said...

sunny - Oh I'm sure that I had to pee at some point, but I just ignored it. It's smart to do that, yes?

(And there is absolutely no offense taken. No chance of pregnancy, either, especially after my sister-in-law has been peppering me with horrid, squeamish details for over four years now. And also because I have $1.75 in my checking account until I get paid tomorrow, and I can't imagine that I would be able to support another living thing at this point in my life, let alone myself.)

(And I also don't care about the inappropriateness or personal...ness. You see, we are already on the road to being lovely friends, and as my sister-in-law will tell you, it is amazing to be friends with me, as I adore the inappropriateness. Also because I am awesome.)

waayers - NO, I wasn't wearing granny panties (jeez, you sound like Mike). They were very nice panties that just happen to be those which are panty-line-free, which translates to less elastic at the top.