Saturday, February 24, 2007


I'm sick.


K-10 has promised to send me some Night Nurse from her friendly UK pharmacy (or "chemist," as they say across the pond), and that makes me happy because it sounds so helpful. I also think that it will be awesome because it says that it relieves "tickly cough." Tickly. Hee. Apparently, you have to ask for it at the pharmacy just so you can't buy it in bulk and cook yourself up some nice crystal meth or whatever you make from paracetamol. I'm sure that there's something.

(Oh my LORD, I thought that I knew what crystal meth was. I did NOT know. Yikes. I did know that it made people look like death and also that Stephanie Tanner was an addict, but that's about it.)

(Oh, and it looks like paracetamol is just another name for acetaminophen. So this shit is basically Tylenol Cold. Whatever. I'll take anything at this point.)

Anyway, K-10 has informed me that Night Nurse will no doubt knock me the fuck out for like, a day. Maybe two. Fine by me - I didn't want to go to work anyway. Will my cold be gone when I come to?

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