Monday, January 01, 2007

Two Thousand Seven. For Reals?

Happy New Year! And thus begins a third year of blogging. I love going back and reading my earliest posts, seeing how I've changed (seeing how my writing has improved) and realizing how great it is to be where I am in my life.

I finished graduate school in the spring of 2004, and once I realized how badly my writing was suffering, I started this blog as a way to keep in the habit of writing. I was adamant in not making it a play-by-play of my day's activities, but rather a post-when-the-mood-hits-me kind of thing. I've tried to focus on observations of DC, book and movie reviews, and recipes with personal events thrown in the mix -- I think it's been a worthy experiment, and I plan on continuing until I get bored.

All the best in 2007!

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