Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Five Guys

Okay. The recent posts of my niece have been dripping in optimism and wonderfulness. I apologize for this lapse. Let's get right to the matter at hand:

It is fucking HOT here. Hot like the seventh level of Hell (coincidentally, that's where K-10 works!). It's pure yumminess. Also yummy? The humidity. I love that by the time I get to work, I feel like another shower would be greatly appreciated by my coworkers. Blech. Woke up this morning and checked the weather. At 7:15 a.m., it was 68 degrees. Okay, that's fine - warm, maybe a little breezy. Lovely. I got out of the shower at 7:30. 74 degrees. A six degree jump in 15 minutes? That canNOT be a good sign. Then I saw the high temp for the day. Are you ready?


90 + dos.


I swear, it was in the 50s two weeks ago. The temperature in this area has some MAD rapid mood swings, that's for DAMN sure.

Left for work at 8:15 or so and it wasn't that bad outside. Yet. It was still a little cool after the MONSTER storm that we had last night. Holy storm, Batman! It was all thunder and lightning-y. I flippin' LOVE thunderstorms. I love how they sound, I love how they look. Usually, they lull me to sleep, but last night, all I wanted to do was stay up and listen. So it's the storm's fault that I'm falling asleep at my desk, really. I mean. I can't be bothered with getting an acceptable amount of sleep.

But anyway, I just went to grab some lunch, and it was wicked sick outside, so I decided not to walk very far and opted for a Coke and a little hamburger from Five Guys. No joke, it's actually called a Little Hamburger. Yet, it is roughly 1/5 larger than a normal size burger that most normal people might do up on their backyard grills. Here's what it looks like, 1/3 eaten:

I don't even want to know what a "Hamburger" looks like. Jeez Louise, America is a tubby bitch.

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