Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Elevator Chat

Being on the ninth floor has its advantages: amazing view, lots of sunlight, bragging rights, etc. So that's fine. But sometimes it sucks.

It's the elevators that suck. And the people in them. People in elevators suck! What else sucks? The fact that there are six elevators, yet it seems like only one works EVER.

Right. So I leave for lunch, and I wait at least 14 minutes for an elevator. Lah di dah. It stops on the 8th floor. But no one gets in. Elevator phantom. 7th floor, three women get on, bitching about coworker's new haircut. "I have to tell you, I really don't like so-and-so's hair." Well, obviously, since it probably looks stylish and nice compared to your Farrah Fawcett/1990s poofy bangs thing you've got going on. So that's happening. The best part is that they then see someone and hold the GD door so they can chat with her. About the haircut. What??!?!?! Chatting is for later! Lunch is now! DAMMIT! I hate when people hold doors to "chat." 5th floor, a woman steps in. Actually her perfume got on first, and then she did. Barf. Then it stops on the SECOND floor. I think I hate this the MOST. Take the GD stairs, people! Most of you could probably benefit from walking up a flight of stairs once in a while, you Fatty McFats!

Wow. I think this hangover might be affecting my mood...


Anonymous said...

From the majority of all your blog posts, that sounds like your permanent mood.

Anonymous said...

Don't be such a meanie, "anonymous." Heather has to deal with a lot of crap at her job and needs an avenue to vent. She may be slightly cynical, but she is so much fun to be with!! I enjoy her humorous obvservations about life.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - you're probably one of those second floor swamp donkeys.

London's K-10