Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ah, the Annual Retreat

Spent the day at the zoo for my office's Annual Staff Retreat. Had to meet people at the metro at 8 in the a.m. So early! Getting up before 7 is just wrong on so many levels. And evil metro: unloaded my train after only two stops! So I was late. Then again, so was everyone else. Meh.

But right, the retreat. It wasn't as painful as I thought that it would be, but it wasn't the happiest place on earth, either ("If you go to Disneyland, you don't spend the whole day on the Matterhorn!" "You would, if it were anything like seven!" Ah, Friends). I won a bouncy ball during the one physical activity, so that was pretty sweet.

But the weather was gorgeous! And being at the zoo was fun, even though we were in the staff-only area and there weren't any animals nearby. Awesome Roommate was like five minutes away, but I couldn't go visit because our lunch break was cut from an hour to only 30 minutes, blah dee blah blah. Maybe tomorrow...

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