Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Post In Which I Attempt to Explain How Ridiculous I Am

You know, I've gone on and on about how I don't like to kill wayward insects and spiders and rodents that find their way into my home. It's not their fault that they invaded my space! And I still feel that way. Really, I do.

But how would you instinctively react when a seemingly mindless task like, say, washing the dishes (dishes that may or may not have been piling up in your sink for days), results in a huge, brown, spindly-type spider creature POPPING UP AT YOU? Like, jumping in your general direction? Like, all you did was pick up a plate from the sink, and there's a spider in your face?

Immediately, immediately, I was convinced that it was a brown recluse, come to kill me in my sleep, but was waylaid by the sink morsels.

(After a little research on the internets, I have determined him to be a house spider, mostly because there really aren't any brown recluses in Michigan, but also because I am trying to preserve my own sanity. Anyway, they're quite common.)

I shrieked, he drowned. It was a horrible way to go, I understand.

Now? I am convinced that, in the last moments of his life, he telepathically called out to his brethren to HUNT ME DOWN. Hunt me down and bite me in my sleep and make me pay for my horrible crime.

Because apparently, in my ridiculous mind, all members of the animal world can communicate intelligently and effectively. WITHOUT HUMANS KNOWING.

Or maybe I just need to stop watching the Discovery Channel.

Whatever my problem, I have found myself checking before slipping on shoes or oven mitts.


Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you. They all know when you kill one of their kind!

Deals On Wheels said...


I was bitten by a Brown Recluse five or six years ago while helping to clean out a tack room in a barn at a former place of employment. It was very painful, but I was in denial about WHAT kind of spider bit me until it kept getting worse and started to swell and change colors. Luckily, a trip to the doctor and a round of antibiotics kept the venom a bay. I had a weird discolored place on my arm for a while afterwards, but it is all gone now.

Still. Spiders. Ick. Not a big fan.

Deals On Wheels said...

And the Discovery Channel? Yeah: AWESOME.

Heather said...

lem - I KNEW IT.

deals - I did not enjoy your story. Not one bit. We don't have too many poisonous things here in Michigan, save one rattler (with weak venom). But living in DC for so long got me wary.

But yeah - Discovery Channel rocks. Planet Earth? AMAZING.