Monday, September 17, 2007

I Am... Well, You'll See

After cleaning out the fridge last week, and almost having to disinfect myself (y'all I am not joking, it was GROSS), my darling Fred, I have come to a very serious decision: No longer will I waste food.

I pride myself on being quite healthy - I drink liters and liters of water and eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. Thing is, I usually end up dragging their liquefied carcasses from the fridge a few weeks later. I either fail to use them or I ignore their presence completely.

When Merrick and I tornadoed through Trader Joe's and Giant last Monday night, I had ten tons of produce and knew that I wanted to save it all from the gooey depths of the "crisper." (Why is it that this "crisper" even exists? It does absolutely nothing except provide a place for your food to go to die. If I want to forget about something, I place it in the crisper! That's why you'll find my MasterCard bill there, making out with those damn shoes that need to be re-heeled. And have needed new heels on those babies since 2004.)

Huh? What? Where was I? Right, so I made a list. Not just any list; this masterpiece details all of the things I purchased and how I plan on using them. Are you ready for this?

Click for a larger view of the crazy!

And I pretty much followed this entire plan. I got a bit of a cold last week, so the days got pushed down due to my complete lack of appetite, but I haven't had to throw anything in the trash yet!

I'm pretty proud of myself, actually. I think I deserve shoes! Or at least some new heels on those sandals...


Anonymous said...

Haha. That's awesome. I agree about the crispers. Why are they there? They seem to make no difference.

Anonymous said...

i want to know what the different variations of checkmarks (or lack thereof) signify.

and i'm sorry we missed our dinner, but hey, shopping was the more important agenda item, right?

Heather said...

lem - I know - things in my fridge just get wilted. Nothing is "crispy." Jerks.

a - if there is more than one checkmark next to an item, it means that I planned on using it in more than one recipe.

Shopping won out over food. That icee was enough sugar for three days, anyway.

Anonymous said...

hmm...I use my crisper to hold beer.

Heather said...

It's definitely been used that way, rebaann... Good call, there.