Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Be My Friend!

Netflix has updated their community options: in addition to allowing members to send each other reviews and suggestions, you can see your friends' ratings and comments. I'm sure that there are even more options, but I haven't had the time to explore.

Do you have Netflix? Click here and join my Netflix friends! I only have three right now, and while they are truly lovely people, that's pretty sad. Three? Lame!

I have to admit, those three people are much better than me about leaving reviews and letting me know which movies rocked their worlds. I have lots and lots of opinions (did you know?), and I should be sharing them! I think that an influx of 'Flix Friends would be a great motivational tool. Join!

In fact, to whet your appetites, I would totally write a review RIGHT NOW of The Devil Wears Prada, but the disc I received yesterday was a little bit on the cracked-to-shit side of the spectrum. It started skipping at the imperative makeover scene and never regained consciousness. Jen and I cried over our pizza and popcorn (come to think of it, the tears were more for the horrible pizza than the ruination of our movie night, especially since we popped in my freshly opened "30 Rock" dvds instead. Avoid Al's Pizza on the Hill. Vomitous!). A new copy of Prada arrives tomorrow, though.


The desperation and begging will just get worse and worse, people. It'll even be too embarrassing for you to read.

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