Tuesday, September 25, 2007


...I was a little tired this morning:

I did change into my heels when I got to work, but the best part? I didn't even notice that I had worn two different shoes until I kicked off those heels and searched for the flops. At 5:30 p.m.

I mean, it's not like they were Converse and I could pull it off by being "ironic." They're flip flops, and I'm a moron.

And yes, I am aware that my pedicure is severely lacking. Leave me alone, I'm tired!


Anonymous said...

Oh sweet jebus. I hope at least one person was entertained by your flip flops on the metro ride to work this morning.

Heather said...

I know, lem. I hope so, too. I'm not embarrassed at all - I think it's hilarious!

Waayers said...

That's impressive. I've worn two different socks before, but never two different shoes.