Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The First Drummer Died in a "Bizarre Gardening Accident"

I'll be the first to admit that I am no spring chicken. I need my 7+ hours of sleep each night, two glasses of wine leaves me with a painful hangover, and I have to work in the morning!

Now that I've been waking up for work at 6:00 7:00, I've been attempting to get to sleep by midnight at the very latest. Luckily, that hasn't been too much of a problem, as long as I banish all distractions beforehand (sudoku, crosswords, DVDs, and books). Lately, though? It hasn't made much of a difference, considering that some asshat in the neighborhood is up until all hours playing the drums. The DRUMS.

Now, I don't know if this is some high school kid, hoping to make the marching band drumline, or if it's some mid-life crisis who couldn't afford that sportscar. Either way, I want to murder him.

(Yeah, I'm assuming that it's a guy. I don't know why.)

But it really, really needs to stop. Is what I'm saying. Or maybe he'll spontaneously combust.

"He died in a bizarre gardening accident, that the authorities said was 'best left unsolved.'"


lem said...

This post reminded me of a movie that is coming out about a hair band that didn't make it even though everyone thought they were the next big thing. Obviously I'll need to go see it when it comes out. If only I could remember the name...

Heather said...

lem - Yes, but have you seen Spinal Tap?

JLR said...

Did you see the Ricky Gervais interview of Christopher Guest where they talk about Spinal Tap? They posted a clip on ew.com (I think in the popwatch section). Hilarious!

Heather said...

jlr - Still haven't seen that, but I am going to bet that it's awesome!