Thursday, April 03, 2008


Right. So I love me some Netflix. This is no surprise. Here's yet another reason to love it: I can get cheesy 80s flicks like Stakeout delivered directly to my door. And then I can watch them. And no one can judge me. Well, except you people.

Stakeout. Wow. Let me just start with the last line:

"What a boner."

And we hear it more than once throughout the movie. Hee! I wish that I could use it as a segway into a review, but the movie wasn't horrible. It wasn't, really! Sure, it was cliche and 80s, and Dreyfuss and Estevez were rocking the porn 'staches, but it was also suspenseful, entertaining, and at times, pretty damn funny. Also, did I mention the mustaches?

"We look like smarmy idiots.
Also, I don't think she's wearing pantyhose..."

The premise: An escaped convict is on the loose and it's feared that he might appear at his ex-girlfriend's house in Seattle. The police department, along with the FBI, conveniently rent the house directly across the street and throw detectives into the un-remodeled mess for some good time, 24-hour surveillance. Richard Dreyfuss and Emilio Estevez (Chris and Bill, respectively) get the night shift and proceed to eat junk food and make semi-disgusting man-like comments.

Their prey? Is Maria (Madeleine Stowe). And she is hot. Smoking hot. (Well, 1980s hot, but still.) It just so happens that they have some high-powered spy equipment RIGHT HERE!

So what's the first rule of Fight Club? I mean, surveillance? Don't get noticed. Right. And don't talk about surveillance.

So what does Chris do? Well, that dumb bastard falls in love with Maria. This, of course, does not bode well when Mr. Convict shows up at her house. Here is where most 80s flicks would cue the hijinks, but instead, this is where it actually gets a little violent and sad.

But then everything is wrapped up in a nice little bow and we get to hear Martin Sheen's son say, "boner." So it's pretty much worth watching. You know, if you're into that sort of thing.


JLR said...

Um, I love that movie.


Heather said...

jlr - Yeah, it was pretty damn good!
