Monday, November 27, 2006

Basically, Her Hair is Amazing

So Jen and I, resigned to being lazy, were just flipping through the channels this evening (I grabbed the remote after she made me watch CSPAN2 for an hour. Well, I guess since she was interviewed on it, it was okay. But still. CSPAN? 2? Why do we need two?). We settled on TLC and a show about a family building their own house. It was called 16 Children and Moving In. Yes, sixteen children.

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar live in Arkansas and have fifteen children with one on the way. They've been renting a house while building their dream home... for the past three years. It's going to be 7000 square feet or something ridiculous like that, and the whole family's been pitching in. The children participated in any way they could - the older children guided the younger ones, and private contractors were happy to explain what they were doing so that the children could really get some hands-on experience. It was pretty cool, actually. You know, if you like homeschooling...

Anyway, cut to the first commercial break, and it's an advertisement for

Comedy gold.


Anonymous said...

Oh sweet jesus, the timing of that commercial is awesome. Isn't this the same family that had a baby about a year ago? Didn't you send a picture? I think her hair was more fantastic in that picture.

Heather said...

Same family, same subject line from the email. I was hoping one of you guys would notice!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I definitely noticed the subject line! I knew right away what you were talking about. I've seen that tv show too. It's pretty amazing.

Heather said...

When that commercial came on, Jen and I laughed so hard, I think that we startled Stompy McLoud upstairs. And that's hard to do!