Thursday, March 17, 2005

Fat Biffas and Swamp Donkeys*

K-10 makes a good point:

"I'm so sick of everyone telling me how healthy everything is that I eat. 'And you go to the gym almost everyday?' And then they make fun of me for doing yoga and staying in shape. I'm sorry that I don't eat packets of crisps and chocolate bars all day everyday. You feel like CRAP if you eat that stuff. SHEESH. Did you read the new study that thinks that this is going to be the first generation where children die before their parents?They think that 2-5 years are going to be taken off the average lifespan because of obesity (leading to stroke, heart attack, etc). Why are people so stupid? They have to keep up with the Jones's on everything, but they are so fat and can't fix that part of their life. 'I don't have time to work out.' Do you have time to eat that fatty doughnut? Time to watch 3 hours of TV a night? Time to complain that you don't want to spend double for an airline ticket when you clearly take up two seats? Time to go out and get lashed every weekend? Make time, you lazy fat asses of America."

And then Hardees hits us with the Double Bacon Cheese ThickBurger. Just take a gander at the nutritional "values" for that monster - how many calories? See here. GROSS. (Courtesy of Woelker Texas Ranger.)

K-10's response: "That has over 20g of fat more than you are supposed to have in a day. IN A DAY. And 1300 calories? I might vomit."

Luke SkyWoelker's response: "Even that definition is flawed though, as the food pyramid guidelines were set out in the 80's for a 2,000 calorie diet, but was based on the idea of the 1950's physically fit lifestyle. Where they assumed children and adults would be much more active. What do we do now? We go home and watch 'Fat Actress'. Dear Lord!"

*Fat Biffa: excessively fat, ugly
Fat Munter: excessively fat, ugly
Swamp Donkey: Most hideously excessively fatishly ugly
Minger: ugly

(hilarious British slang courtesy of K-10)


Chris said...
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Chris said...


I posted a comment but the links were wrong :(

Said I posted about this in my blog in AUG (Why Americans Are Fat) and also in Sep (WTF)