Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Cold Enough?

If one more person asks, "Cold enough for ya?" today, I swear... Of course it's cold. It's DC, and it's flippin' January! Gosh!

I walked out of the house this morning and the frigid air hit me like a brick. Crossing the street on the way to the metro, I got honked at for apparently not walking quickly enough. Hey asshat! Guess what? You're in a car with the heat blasting in your face, while I'm trying to keep my hair out of my mouth and cursing my decision to wear these GD thin pants. CALM DOWN. Besides, I have the right of way, walking my frozen ass in the crosswalk, LEXUS JERK.

Metro this morning - sweet Jebus it was freezing. I was all bundled up and still froze. I'm glad that the heat was turned down since I'd much rather be cold than sweating, but it really seemed like the air conditioning was cranked up to "Arctic."

And now, I am practically wrapped around my illegal space heater here at work (the director brought it in for me, so I really don't care if maintenance has a shitter). Happy Hour tonight though! Will warm up with sangria and free pizza. Yay!

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