Apparently, I am a walking fungus.
What makes this such a dire emergency, my friends, is that it has decided to return to the front of my neck. Wearing my hair down is not going to solve the fact that it looks like I have several hickeys. On the left side of my neck. It's all very classy, really.
(In full disclosure, I have never, ever had a hickey before. Ever. I mean, except for the ones you would give yourself on your arm when you were thirteen, thinking that you were super cool, when in reality, you still hadn't had your first kiss and were pretty much convinced that somehow that super cute boy from The Sandlot was going to transfer to your middle school and ask YOU to the Eight Grade Send-Off Dance. I'm speaking hypothetically, of course.)
Anyway, the fungus. I suppose I could put makeup on my non-hickeys, but it seems like it might look a little too cake-y and obvious.
If it helps, I'm planning on wearing this dress, sans the wine:
Perhaps a light scarf? Because the dress has a belt, I feel like I should shy away from too many accessories. But maybe I need to go another clothing route all together. Nothing says "I'm a pro!" like a high collar and baggy pants, right? Right?
I'd go with some kind of scarf or neckerchief. Or do you have a large-ish necklace that would detract from said fungus?
I can't give you any fashion tips, but be confident, be yourself & GOOD LUCK!
waayers - Have you ever known me to wear anything oversized and/or large-ish? Boo! But thanks anyway :)
mush - Thank you! I think that it went well :)
So, do you have ringworm forever? Kind of like herpes where you never get rid of the disease you just don't always have symptoms?
I vote for a scarf.
lem - OMG, I HOPE NOT. I have NO idea. And now you've made me more paranoid than I usually am, so that is saying something. THANKS.
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