Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Disgusting Perils of Public Transportation

Oh my God oh my God oh my God. I am so DISGUSTED with this DISGUSTINGNESS, I can barely type.

I'm currently temping at the University Medical School, and it's more than a good two miles from my house. Walking is definitely acceptable, if I got up early enough - which I do not - so it's either ten bucks a day in the parking structure or the bus. I've discovered that I can hop on one bus near my house (about a half block, which is brilliant), ride to the transit center, switch to another bus, and get dropped off about two blocks from work. It's awesome and free, as the University pays the fare for students and staff.

Awesome, right? WRONG.

About a week ago, I noticed a bug bite on the back of my neck. I was obviously convinced that it was spider bite, because I am just that ridiculous, so I let it go. But days later, it was still there, and it was itchy.

And then, this weekend I got a cold. My throat hurt like holy hell, and coupled with the rash, I was pretty sure that I was dying, so I made a doctor's appointment.

I was relieved to hear that I didn't have strep throat, but then my doctor hit me with, "Oh, yeah. It's just ringworm."


He figured that I got it at the gym, which is hilarious, because I wouldn't know what to do if I stepped into a gym let alone near any gym equipment. But then it hit me.

The fucking bus.

I actually remember getting on the bus after work. My hair was up because it was a pretty warm day, and the bus was late. I was exhausted, so I leaned back to rest my head. And apparently, I leaned it back right into SOMEONE'S RINGWORM SWEAT.


So please people, when on public transportation, promise me that you will be careful to touch only what is absolutely necessary. If wearing a skirt, stand (imagine if I'd been sitting in a skir... GROSS!). Wear gloves in August. Try not to breathe.

Seriously, I want to vomit.

Luckily, my insurance proved to be as worthless as it always is, and the magical healing cream was $115.75! Because I have that kind of cash. But I guess that's what credit cards are for. Dammit.


JLR said...

Wow, yet another thing to freak me out! You poor thing, that just sucks. I'm assuming you are wearing your hair down these days.

And you should know that I found a tiiiiny spider on my pillow the other day, and of course I became convinced that this was a brown recluse in disguise and that there were a million more of them hiding under the mattress.

Waayers said...

Wow, that's disgusting. I've always been very careful not to touch anything on the metro. And I *never* lean my head against the window. Have you seen the greasiness that's on there?? I was always afraid I might get lice but I never thought about ringworm. Just one more thing to worry about. Thanks.

Lauren said...

That is horrifying. And I thought you could only get that from the nasty wrestling mats in high schools...ugh.

Heather said...

jlr - Yes. The hair is down and it's borderline uncomfortable right now, though not deadly. Today is going to be the hottest day of the year so far at 86 or something. Which is nothing to you Texas...ites?

waayers - I know! I used to get nauseous when I saw grease marks on the windows. Ugh.

lauren - That's the first thing I thought! "But I'm not a high school wrestler!"

Anonymous said...

Yeah about that "what if I'd been wearing shorts thing... " that just happened to me. Apparently going green means going GROSS. Itchy red awfullness all over my inner thighs, us the top of my neck. Don't know where it started, but I just started taking public transportation and was wearing shorts a few weeks ago and *surprise! Ringworm for the first time in my life! And since I let it go a few weeks thinking it was some kind of allergy to a new soap, it's even FUNNER! Yes. Funner. Thanks for the article tho, good to know I'm not alone.... I'm currently stocking up on disinfectant wipes and a towel to sit on lol