Monday, January 07, 2008

Things That Came in the Mail Today

No, I'm not grasping at straws for material. I'm just lazy. It was 64 degrees here today. Sixty. Four. In Michigan. In JANUARY. That explains my laziness, right? Anyway, in the post today, I found the following:

1. My new check card for my new bank account. Totally Free Checking.

2. The box of checks that my bank charged me for. You know, to accompany my "totally free" checking account. Not free! LIARS! As Mike said, they should call it "$15.50 Checking" - at least then they'd be honest about it all. Bunch of ballhairs.

3. Most recent catalog for my book club. I want this. And this. And also, I forgot to cancel a selection again, so I now have the latest from Chuck Palahniuk. And I'm scared even knowing that it's in the house.

4. A lovely card from K-10!

5. A card from my CVS pharmacist, thanking me for trusting them with my healthcare needs. Thanks, illegible signature!

Right, so that's it on my end. Also, I had to go to the dentist today, which was a massive clusterfuck, but ended well. I will describe it shortly. I know that you can hardly stand the suspense, but I'm tired and it's pouring outside (because that totally makes sense as an excuse).


Shane said...

BMG used to to send me the "CD of the month" when I used to subscribe to them. They really dont like it when you write "Return to Sender" on the package so they have to return your money. $15 plus shipping for Nada Surf? Umm, no.

Heather said...

Nada Surf. Nice!

I've been a member of this book club since college, and I don't know that I've ever returned a book - mostly because I end up reading them and loving them.

Besides, I caved and already paid for the latest shipment.

BMG, though. How much longer before they're completely kaput?

Steezer said...

OT, but did you know 30 Rock is new tonite!?!? I didnt either, but felt it important to share with my favorite Kenneth fan. BANTER!

Heather said...

stephanie - "I don't drink hot beverages of any kind - that's the devil's temperature." I LOVE KENNETH.

Also, I love Jack. "The founding fathers never intended for the poor to live past their forties."