Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Just... Wrong

Merrick and I had our girls' shopping night, as per usual, got takeout from Red Mei, and started back toward DC. Problem: nothing to drink.

We stopped at Wendy's - against our better judgement, of course - where she got her beloved Diet Coke and I got Mr. Pibb (and whoever says that Pibb is a good substitute for Dr. Pepper is seriously deluded. I love the Pibb, don't get me wrong, but the Pepper is unparalleled).

We thought we were playing it safe, you see, by ordering medium drinks. You see, the last time we stopped at Wendy's, we ordered large drinks... and you needed two hands to hold those monster cups. But oh no. No, no, no.
Something stinks in suburbia.

Below is exhibit A. The red cup - the large - is from last time (I save the plastic ones, okay? They're good for those giant iced tea kind of days), and the yellow cup is from today:

That yellow cup USED to be the large, I swear it! So is a small Pibb now the size of the former medium? This is making my head hurt. It's very clear that NO ONE needs the yellow amount of pop (sorry, soda), but Wendy's went and did it one better. Now America is even fatter because apparently, thirty ounces of pop just isn't enough. Thanks, Wendy's.

For comparison, here is exhibit B: the "medium" next to my 20 ounce Nalgene bottle. I try to drink three to four nalgenes (nalgene: a new measurement) each day. The "medium" is probably thirty ounces, maybe more. It absolutely dwarfs my sweet little Nalgene. That is SO MUCH pop!

I've been trying to give up pop for good, but it is super hard. I'm trying to transition by drinking lots and lots of Vitamin Water. It's slightly sweet, so I get my fix, but I don't feel like a total slob afterward. It's a good first step, I think.

And after this, giving up the Wendy's is probably a good idea, too.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Big Gulps, huh? Well, see ya later!

[Sorry, I couldn't resist.]

Anonymous said...

I measure my water intake by how many Nalgenes I drink per day. hehe

Heather said...

I *knew* I wasn't the only one to do that, Megan ;)