Monday, February 21, 2005


Drama, drama, drah-ma! Yet it's not my problem, so it's not going to wind up here!

With all of the ridiculousness swirling around here lately, it's good to know that I can now give in to the escapism of talking to a long lost beau. Not that it's escapism, exactly. It's pure, honest conversation and it feels like escapism because it's satisfying - like comfort food. Like a peanut butter sandwich and hot chocolate on a snowy Michigan afternoon, talking to him is easy. Dealing with my issues is no longer on my mind and I laugh and I smile and I never want the conversation to end. Being a good person is hard - I mean, I can't drive the 'Scort one block without yelling at someone - but I really think that he's managing just fine.

Do you know how refreshing it is to rekindle a friendship that had threatened to burn out indefinitely? Forget for a moment that our relationship started out as unadulterated lust - it definitely turned into something meaningful. Besides, lust is amazing. That summer was easily one of the best of my life and I will always remember nights on the fire escape, picnics in the park, strolling around Ann Arbor (with whom I will always have a smoldering relationship) in the middle of the night, and knowing that I could show up in his doorway, sweaty and tired after a day of chasing children around the museum, and have those strong arms around me in seconds.

Maybe that's why trying this new "friendship" thing is so easy. The trust is there - because it never left. The smiles are still there - because we wouldn't be who we are without them. The only thing missing are the hugs. Those are 525 miles away. But would be well worth the drive.

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