After receiving over 200 internship applications for the summer, I've learned a great deal about Microsoft Access, the copy machine, and the applicants themselves who just WON'T. STOP. CALLING about their applications. "Have my reference letters arrived?" "Have my transcripts arrived?" "Did it arrive on time?" "Did I remember to sign it?" "Did I use enough staples?" (answer: Never! You can never use too many staples! Interns apparently LOVE staples, staplers, and any device that will adhere as many staples as possible to their required five complete copies. My hand hurts from using my trusty staple remover to extract them from each packet). Did I use the best, most unique paperclips?
And that's where the contest begins...
(FYI - This gets scary. Not just the content - that alone is terrifying. It's scary because it shows how completely insane I am. You have been warned).
If you sent in an application with any of these "paperclips," I would disqualify you if at all possible. I hate these paperclips. They're huge! And some are rusty and scary! It's bad enough that I could get anthrax from the hundreds of envelopes I opened - I could get tetanus! There exists a mini version of these clamp-like things, which I adore, but I didn't receive any applications with those :(
These are nice. Small, free of rust, and sometimes colorful, these paperclips make an application desirable. Ah...
You can't tell from the picture, but these are large paperclips. I HATE these. Some of the silver ones are grooved and they tear the hell out of your carefully constructed application. Too late - your application sucks!
I don't know what the hell this is. Scary!
These. I don't know what these are. They were almost impossible to pry off of the applications and left the paper bent and ugly. Ew!
Check out this rogue mini paperclip! It's blurry, but you can see the amazing pattern. Green and white striped! Your application goes in the "maybe" pile!
Let's take a look at all of them together. So many emotions...
Now, the paperclips below are awesome. I've never seen anything like them. These applicants win everything! Yay!
Have you ever seen any paperclips as cool as these? That regular-looking one in the back is special because it is extremely tiny. I LOVE the tiny paperclips. These are all perfection.
See? I told you I was INSANE.
(Though I am insane, rest easy. I actually have very little say in accepting interns. I review each applicant's interests and experience to see with which staff member s/he would best fit, and I'm not allowed to throw away the stupid applications, i.e., the high school students who didn't read the internship description that says UNDERGRADUATE SENIOR OR GRADUATE STUDENT).
I'm sorry Heather,but I found your clip-tomanic dissertation hilarious, not insane. The crazies most likely would have given them names, ot at least posted the applicant's name and address along with the pictures.
Well, that's true, thank you!
Laughing, Laughing, Laughing. Oh and BTW.... 15 more days!!!
I learned today that Heather also likes small staples, rather than the standard size. We only have the small ones in our copy machine here at work, but I'll bet Heather would love to find a regular stapler that dispensed the mini's.
Heather, I'm glad you are particular about your paperclip sizes too . . . Some call it OCD . . . others call it OCLS . . . Obsessive Compulsive LifeStyle. I prefer the latter and find that being particular about certain things makes us unique and special.
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