Monday, February 13, 2006

And the Weather Closings Begin...

Saturday night, the Capital area got hit with what was supposed to be TEN INCHES OF SNOW. AHHHHHHH!!!!

Here is a view from my front porch on Sunday morning (I took the picture from the front porch because if you saw the view from the back porch, you'd be like, "Um, you live in a scary place." Calm down, it's just an overgrown alley. No worries!):

It wasn't so much ten inches of snow as maybe three or four. Didn't stop them from issuing a policy of unscheduled liberal leave today. Gotta love it.

Too bad everyone in my office knows that I only commute two stops to work. Ah well.


Anonymous said...

Actually, the official snowfall in DC was 9 inches. It just melted really fast.

Heather said...

Yeah, nine inches in a drift against a wall.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I don't understand why places closed Monday. The snow was practically gone! We had quite a bit of snow, but it did melt ridiculously fast. I wish I'd played on Sunday! Instead I saw Walk the Line which is fantastic!

Heather said...

I sent that picture to K-10 (in London) and to Woelker (in Chicago). Here's her response:

"I didn't see any snow. Are you sure you sent the right picture?"

And his response:


I have more snow in my left shoe after I left it under the radiator for two days with the heat on high and I poured boiling hot water over it."