Friday, January 02, 2009

You Wish You Could Be This Cool

Well, Happy New Year!

Mike and I, completely content in collective our lameness, caught an early dinner, watched tv, and as he drifted off to sleep at 10:30, I watched Primal Fear.

I know. Watch out for us!

We both worked on the 31st and were in no mood for a crowded bar. We stayed in, avoided the weather and the drunks, and it was awesome.

So I hope that you all were happy and safe and did things significantly cooler than us!


Carrie M said...

I was one with the couch and can't even say that a boyfriend was with me. So you still win! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I fell asleep at eleven. I completely expected to be awakened at midnight by firecrackers or gunshots from celebrants in my neighborhood, but I was not! I'm not sure if there weren't any or if I was just that tired.

Waayers said...

Can I join the cool club too? I literally stayed in my pj's the entire day and never left the house. I did stay up till about 12:30 though (but I was still on west coast time).

Heather said...

carrie, lem, & waayers - I love you guys! See, I knew that NYE wasn't such a big deal.