Monday, May 05, 2008

I Bought That Lemon Three Days Ago

Son of a bitch.


Anonymous said...

Was it refrigerated??

Lauren said...

Maybe it could be worse, you could have gotten it from the Giant in Virginia Square by my house. Worst. Produce. EVER.

Heather said...

megan - Well, no. And it was next to an avocasdo, which can speed the ripening process. But... three days? Grrrrrr.

lauren - Man, you are CORRECT. It's sad when the Safeway in SE Washington has better produce than one in yuppie Arlington :)

Anonymous said...

Aha! Refrigeration is key.

Heather said...

megan - Once I slice into them, lemons go in the fridge, but this is the first time I've ever seen a lemon get moldy!

Sometimes I buy a bag of little lemons and they sit out in that bowl for a week.

Guess I have to go for lasting time rather than prettiness.

JLR said...

haaaaaa. That is gross.

Once, RR and I had lemons in a bowl on our kitchen table, and they went bad, and we didn't know it. And we didn't know what lemons smelled like when they went bad, so we couldn't figure out what smelled. And we called and complained to our apartment complex managers that our apartment had this chemical smell in it. And then when figured it out and were embarrassed.

Seriously, though, you got ripped off.

Heather said...

jlr - Now I am terrified of bad lemon smell, and all citrus fruits live in the fridge.