Monday, January 21, 2008

Reason #426 That I Love Netflix

When you watch a really bad movie, you don't feel bad for having wasted the cash at the theater. You feel bad about the time you lost, but at least you didn't venture out into the -6 degree weather.

That's how I felt about Superbad. Um, it's in the title, folks. How did we not anticipate its suckitude?

The cast was fun, and any movie featuring an Arrested Development cast member is worth watching in my mind, but oh holy Jesus.

Okay, um... right. Think about high school. Think about the girls and how bitchy they were (and Lord, was I one of them, so I would KNOW). What would happen if an overweight nerd started talking to one of these girls, peppering his speech with sexual innuendos?

It doesn't matter what would happen, because it WOULDN'T HAPPEN. Girls are bitchier than that. High school girls are mean. Now that I am older, I am scared of them. You've seen Mean Girls, right?

And we're supposed to believe that not one of the eighty kids at a house party has a single hook-up when it comes to alcohol?

The cops were hilarious, and there were some great lines (McLovin? That's good), but I don't know that I'll watch it again. A girl doesn't need to see drawing after drawing of peni. Not necessary.

To cleanse our palates, we then watched S.W.A.T., a Colin Farrell flick that Mike DVRed recently. It's not great, but at least it was entertaining. And at least it was aware that it kind of sucked. The dialogue was amazingly cheesy, but passable.

Waitress is up next.


Waayers said...

I'm glad there's someone that shares my opinion of Superbad! Not that I hated it, I just didn't think it was that great. And the plethora of drawings made me blush and avert my eyes.

Heather said...

waayers - The drawings cracked me up! It was the rest of the movie that didn't ring true to me. Maybe the filmmakers and screenwriters had different experiences in high school, but I didn't buy it.

Shane said...

Incoming sarcasm: I think the purpose of the movie was to EXACTLY portray high school. How can you even attempt to point out plot holes and critique this movie? It's a comedy people! So sit back, dont think, and enjoy the ride. Prudes need not apply.

Heather said...

shane - True. True that. Or dat. I don't know.