Friday, July 22, 2005

I've Got a Golden Ticket

Saw this last night:

Annnnnnnd...... it was pretty flippin' awesome. I absolutely loved it. As a fan of the book and the first movie, my expectations were set REALLY high for this film. Tim Burton is a master and created a different experience that in no way detracts from the first film that we know and love. The allegiance to the book is clear, and it is much stronger for that reason alone. And it's far less wordy than the first - you literally experience the film rather than just watch it. Gene Wilder was amazing, yes. But the delicious Johnny Depp obviously steals every scene in which he appears. He's wonderful.

I really don't understand why people keep comparing him to Michael Jackson, however. Perhaps they haven't seen the movie.

I got home from the theater, though, and I found myself humming songs from the first film.

This film does not replace the first. I love them both. I will own them both. And I still have to get around to seeing Finding Neverland, come to think of it.


Heather said...

I hope that you like it - I've seen it twice already, and I think that it was even better the second time!

As for Harry, I have all of these theories... I really liked the book, and I've been checking out this fun site for all kinds of stuff: There are only two other people I know who have finished the book so far - my mom and Laurel - and we've been discussing it ever since!

It was a little depressing, definitely, but necessary... right?

Anonymous said...

Tim Burton is a film-making god, I tell ya! I can't wait to see Corpse Bride (Sep 23). It looks amazing, and, of course, stars the incredibly delicious Johnny Depp.

gabe said...

I just watched Charlie yesterday. I thought it was just okay. Some things I liked better than the original, but overall, I'd say the first movie looked much more delicious.

I finished reading the new Harry Potter a few days ago. I was kinda disappointed in how the character died. I didn't think it made sense, though she could've made it make sense by writing it just a little bit differently during the drinking scene. But it also didn't make sense why he was protecting the person that was trying to kill him.

Oh, and a few obvious theories on what's gonna happen... But I'm getting tired of being vague :)

Heather said...

I agree, Kara - Corpse Bride looks great! That's on my list of ones to see (Harry Potter 4 and Narnia are right up there, of course).

And I'm wondering if speaking in code about HPHBP is silly at this point. Because I agree with you, Gabester (and Lynn). There are a huge number of theories building themselves up in my head and I think that maybe we need to dicuss...